The need to print documents is very common for Dynamics 365 deployments. Think of e.g. accounting where it is often required to keep a physical copy of documents. In addition, it allows for enhanced readability, accessibility, and accommodating personal preferences. DocumentsCorePack is equipped with powerful print capabilities enabling seamless printing to cloud printers or local network printers from within Dynamics 365 and Power Apps.
Setup & Configuration
Along with the integration of three major cloud print providers, our solution comes with options to utilize local printers as well.
Please note: It is not possible to use both a cloud print provider and a local printer for a specific Dynamics 365 organization.
Cloud Print – Integration
The following step-by-step guides illustrate how to configure printers via the respective provider.
- Microsoft Universal Print: Microsoft Universal Print printer configuration for DCP
- Printix: Printix printer configuration for DCP
- PrintNode: PrintNode printer configuration for DCP
Local Printing Service/Application
DocumentsCorePack comes with two native options to configure printers:
- Print Service: The service allows us to expose network printers to be available for printing via DCP. It comes with proper print service management and logging capabilities to handle multiple printers and high print volumes. The service should be deployed on dedicated print servers to ensure access and availability.
Details: Service-based printing in DCP - Print Application: This application allows you to define and enable printing on “personal” printers (for example, attached to your computer or laptop only) and is intended for small local printer installations. It does not work on servers with multiple printers. Details: Print Application (Configuration and Utilization)
Additional Information:
- How to: Assign users or Teams to Printers
- Documentation: Printing with DCP
- Video: Printing with DCP (youtube)
- Video: Cloud printing with DCP (youtube)
Print documents from Dynamics 365
In the following example, we print a quote from Dynamics 365 via the DocumentsCorePack Dialog.
Click the Create document button and define your document process like ❶ Filetype and check the ❷ Print document option. If you have more than one printer configured it will be shown in the drop-down. Also, you can determine ❸ how many copies you need. To proceed click ❹ Create Document.
Please note: When a printer is configured, it is automatically shown. If it is not shown, maybe your printer configuration needs attention. Have a look at this article.
In the next step, it is possible to preview the document before sending it to the printer. When you click Finish, your document is printing.
Print Automation via Power Automate
Prerequisites: Activate DocumentsCorePack connector
In this example, we started with a trigger, which reacts to changes to a quote, and added the DocumentsCorePack action ❶ Create document (sync)(V3).
This means that when a quote is e.g., activated, a document is created.
In this action, it is possible to directly send the document to the printer. Open the ❷ Advanced parameters and select a ❸ Printer.
Alternatively, you can include the ❶ Print File (V3) action. Set the parameters and select a ❷ printer.
Please note: In the Print File (V3) action it is necessary to specify the ❸ document you want to print via the Document Content and File-Name property. In our example, we use a document that was generated via a Create document action before (See Figure 2).
If you want to learn more about the DocumentsCorePack connector for Power Apps and Power Automate have a look at this article.
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