After your request, you get an e-mail (Figure 1) from the MSCRM-ADDONS-support with a license number/ID
Figure 1: Support e-mail with Subscription number/ID
Once you get the e-mail from the MSCRM-ADDONS Support with a license number/ID for subscription, open your CRM, and select “Advanced Settings” as shown in the Figure 2.
Figure 3: Advanced Settings
Press the yellow highlighted “Settings”-tab on the top to get the settings overview. Select the MSCRM-ADDON you need a license for like in this example AttachmentExtractor.
Figure 4: Settings Overview
The “Getting Started with AttachmentExtractor”-page is shown. Select the tab “Licensing”.
Figure 5: Getting Started with AttachmentExtractor-page
A License information-overview is displayed. You can see that your license is expired. Press the [Install license]-button.
Figure 6: Licensing-Tab
An “Install License”-window pops up (see Figure 7). In the bottom area, there is a yellow highlighted field for the subscription number/ID you received with the e-mail from the MSCRM-Support. Enter this number/ID and press the [Install]-button.
Figure 7: Install License-Window
Please Note: If it is still shown that your license is expired, please refresh the page (F5).
After the install process you can notice the changes:
- The LicenseState-line shows the value “valid”
- There is no date shown in the Expiration-line
- The ticks are green
Figure 8: Successfully Installed License
Back to How to install License with Subscription Number or License Key.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to