If the calling/called phone number is stored in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, then the number should be resolved to the corresponded CRM record. If the number does not resolve, make sure that the number is stored in the “MSCRM-ADDONS.com CTI CallInfos” entity.
Figure 1: Advanced Find
To do so, go to the Advanced Find and look for the number 31668088036. With a click on the [Results]-button, you should get at least one found record.
In the phonenumber collumn you can see the full canonical format of the number with Country Code.
Figure 2: Advanced Find with records
There are two possible scenarios how to proceed now.
Scenario 1: You did not get any result from your search
If you did not get any results for the number in the AdvancedFind, check your fields.xml setting. There, make sure that the number is stored in the correct entity / searchfield.
For example, the number could have been saved in the ContactEntity in the mobilephone field, which is not the searchfield you were running your search on.
If so, the mobilephone field could be found in fields.xml setting under telephone1,telephone2,mobilephone,…
To solve the issue, simply delete the phone number in the mobilephone field and store the number again in the phonenumber field. Go back to the Advanced Find and check the phonenumber in MSCRM-ADDONS.com CTI CallInfos entity.
The number should now be stored in the correct entity in its full canonized form. If it were still not visible, something could be wrong with the CRM Asynchronous services. Make sure that these services are running.
Scenario 2: You did get a result from your search
If AdvancedFind returns at least one record that matches our number, then something is wrong with the TI Client. Make sure that the calling party phone number is not an internal number. If it is not, activate debugging and make one incoming or outgoing calll with that number. Please send us the so generated log file.
Please note: The shorter the log file, the sooner the developer finds the essential data to solve the problem.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to support@mscrm-addons.com.
reworkneeded … need graphic update, but outdated. Need to point out how to rebuild the index table and how to check for the number via Advanced Search.