This article describes how to define custom parameters for embedded ActivityTools pages (For example to pre-filter activity types).
When embedding ActivityTools in a CRM form, you have the possibility to insert custom parameters in Custom Parameter (data):
Figure 1: Web Resource Properties
The defined parameters only effect the current ActivityTools page.
The structure is: [name of key]:[value of key];[name of next key]….. (e.g. “activitytypes:phonecall,email;lockactivitytype:true”)
The following keys can be used:
Define one or more activity type names separated by ”,”. Only activities of these types will be shown, when ActivityTools has loaded (e.g. activitytypes:email,phonecall).
Please Note: If the configured activity types does not result any activity records, users won’t be able to change the types within the Activitytools page!
Give it the value true if the activity type filter should not be changeable (lockactivitytype:true).
This key can be used to preselect a custom filter (ATPluginFilter), when ActivityTools has loaded. To do so, add the Id of the filter after the key. E.g. the filter has the Id “customfilter1” then add:
Such a filter can be defined as shown in section “ATPluginFilter” on page 37 of the guide:
Please Note: It is important that the filter Id begins with “customfilter” and consists of lowercase signs only!
This key can be used to pass on an entity reference to ActivityTools. E.g. if you embed AT in an account form it automatically takes the current account record as reference. With this key you can define a different reference for which activities should be shown.
e.g: entityref:ef2be5c9-ccec-4423-ae89-66c41b949631,account,1
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#reworkneeded… why do I need that… example..