The DocumentsCorePack (DCP) connector is designed to bring the rich document generation and processing capabilities of DocumentsCorePack to Power Apps and Power Automate (Flows).
Here are some of the actions that the DCP connector offers.
Document generation actions
Create document (sync)(V3) | This function creates a new document job and waits for the result for up to [TimeOut] seconds. |
Create DocumentJob (async)(V3) | This function creates a new document job. This function does NOT wait for a result. |
Create Multipart document (sync)(V3) | Create a document consisting of multiple components. |
Create Multipart document (async)(V3) | Create a document consisting of multiple components. The action does NOT wait for a result. |
Run OneClickAction (sync)(V3) | This function runs a One-Click-Action and waits for the result. |
Run OneClickAction (async)(V3) | Runs a One-Click-Action and waits for the result. |
Document processing actions
Attach DocumentJob as note (V3) | Attach the file generated by a DocumentJob as a note to a Dynamics 365 entity. The DocumentJob must already be finished. |
Attach file as note (V3) | Attach a document content or base64 encoded file as a note to a Dynamics 365 record. The DocumentJob must already be finished. |
Attach DocumentJob to email (V3) | Attach the document content generated by a DocumentJob as attachment to a Dynamics 365 email. |
Attach file to email (V3) | Attach the file supplied as base64 string as an attachment to a Dynamics 365 email. |
Send email (V3) | Send Dataverse email. |
Print DocumentJob (V3) | Print a Document generated by a DocumentJob. The DocumentJob must already be finished. |
Print File (V3) | Prints a document content or base64 encoded file— supported file types: pdf, docx. |
Sign DocumentJob (sync) (V3) | Send a document for e-signing. |
Concatenate two DocumentJobs (V3) | Concatenate two Document Contents (pdf,docx) generated by two DocumentJobs. |
Concatenate two Document Contents or base64 encoded files (pdf,docx) (V3) | Concatenate two Document Contents or base64 encoded files (pdf,docx). |
Supporting Actions:
CreateSharepointFolder (V3) | Creates folders on SharePoint in the document location of a Dynamics 365 record. |
Get Printers | Retrieve available printers. |
Get DocumentJob result (V3) | Retrieves status information of a DocumentJob. The result will include the generated document. |
Get DocumentJob status (V3) | Retrieves the status of a DocumentJob. Dynamics 365 state/status code rules apply. |
Get OneClickActions | Retrieves all One-Click-Actions configured in Dynamics 365. |
Get Profiles for a UserAPIKey | Retrieves all Profile Ids for this ApiKey. |
Get SignProviders | This function returns all SignProviders known in the AutomergeSolution. |
Get document templates | This function returns a list of available DocumentsCorePack Templates. |
WhoAmI (V3) | Retrieve information about the used API Key and associated DocumentsCorePack Service. |
Deprecated Actions
Retrieve EntityNames with annotation capability | This function returns a list of all Dynamics 365 entities that support annotations. |
Get DCP CombineTypes for DocumentConcatenation | This function returns a list of supported CombineTypes for DocumentsCorePack. |
Get a list of dynamics users | This function returns a list of dynamics users. |
Available DCP Actions | This function returns a list of supported actions for DCP. |
Get DCP FileTypes | Outputfiletype supported by DCP. |
Get Concatenation ResultTypes | Options for merging documents. |
Get Single Template | Get Template. |
IsServiceAlive | Check DCP availability. |
Get DCP FileTypes for XmlBased generation | Outputfiletype supported by DCP. |
Get connection details | Information about the service connected to this API key. |
Check API Availability | Check if the connector is available. |
Create document based on an XML (sync) (V2) | This function creates a new DocumentJob and waits for the result |
Create DocumentJob based on an XML (async) (V2) | This function creates a new DocumentJob. Attention! The function does NOT wait for a result |
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