The DateTime Field option of DocumentsCorePack (DCP) allows you to perform basic calculations on dates and times. This article describes the syntax that can be used for those calculations.
The basic syntax: Fields from Dynamics are enclosed by “<<” and “>>” when you insert them from the tree view.

The difference between two dates can be subtracted by using a “–”.

Functions on a date can be executed by adding a dot “.” and the function name including the necessary parameters.

Supported functions and operators
Operator table
Operator Name |
Sign | Example |
Difference | – | <<duedate>> – DATETIME()
For example, calculate an offer with a due date minus today´s date. |
Function table
Function | Description | Examples |
Add(value, unit) | Adds a numeric value to the current date. The first parameter represents the numeric value that should be added. The second parameter represents the unit. Parameters for units are either: year, month, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds |
<<createdon>>.Add(10,year) |
Subtract(value, unit) | Subtracts a numeric value from the current date. The first parameter represents the numeric value that should be subtracted. The second parameter represents the unit. Parameters for units are either: year, month, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds |
<<createdon>>.Subtract(10,year) |
Addbusinessdays(value) | Adds a certain amount of days to the current date. Weekends (Saturday and Sunday) are excluded from this calculation. |
<<createdon> >.Addbusinessdays(10) |
Round(unit, direction) | Round allows you to modify a time value to the next or previous quarter, half or full hour. The first parameter can display a quarter, half, or full hour. The second parameter represents the direction. (up/down) |
<<createdon>>.Round(quarter,up) <<createdon>>.Round(half,down) <<createdon>>.Round(full) |
DATETIME() | This function returns the current date and can be used as a field paired with any of the above functions. | DATETIME().Add(5,days) |
Please note: You cannot join different parameters. If you would like to add days and months, please always use the lowest unit for your chosen parameter. For example, 1 Month and 15 Days would be 45 Days.
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