You have enabled the default signature of Dynamics 365 or defined a default sender via the ActivityTools Signature Editor. But on reply/forward from within ActivityTools, it is not set. This article shows how this can be solved.
This feature is only available for Dynamics 365 version of ActivityTools (2017.xx).
E.g. for your system user you have an email signature with the option “Set as Default” similar as below:
The signature is inserted correctly when you create a new email, but not if you reply/forward from within ActivityTools. A common reason is that the ActivityTools onload scripts are not added to the user email form.
For the main email form named “E-Mail”, this is done automatically via the “ActivityToolsPluginConfig” solution which is part of the ActivityTools installation. To check if the solution is installed got to Dynamics 365 > Settings > Solutions.
For all other email forms, these scripts have to be added manually as described below.
Open Dynamics 365 > Settings > Customizations > Customize the System
In the so opened window select Entities > Email > Forms > and open the relevant email form as you can see in the figure below.
In the so opened email form hit on ❶ “Form Properties”. Next, add the libraries ❷ “ptm_GeneralJSFunctions.js” and “ptm_ActivityTools/js/Signature.js”. For the event select ❸ “OnLoad” and add the function ❹ “PTMATN.InsertSignature” of the library “ptm_ActivityTools/js/Signature.js”.
Save and publish the form. If it does not work immediately, close and restart your web browser.
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