It is possible to filter the linked entities of a 1:N and a N:N relationship during the merge process based on their IDs.
This works in combination with DocumentsCorePack and AutoMerge, but only with .docx-templates.
To achieve this, you have to create a new record of the User/Temp Settings entity containing a filter.
Use the Name-field to define for which user, entity type and record ID the filter should be used.
• Structure
• Example
Use the Value-field to define the IDs of the linked records which should be shown in the template.
• Structure
• Example
Please note: The IDs must be in upper case and must contain brackets.
During each merge process of .docx-templates, the DocumentsCorePack Client and the AutoMerge addon both look for a suitable filter.
If such a filter is found, only linked records with a matching ID will be shown. The filter is deleted afterwards.
The usual merge process remains unchanged.
Here you can see an account named ptm EDV-Systeme. It has several contacts related.
Figure 1: Account with related contacts
When we use the following filter, only contacts that match the GUIDs in the filter will be shown in the result document.
The defined user-GUID and the user running must match as well.
Figure 2: Example for an applied filter
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