There are scenarios where it is required to re-link a Dynamics 365 environment to the respective DocumentsCorePack Service.
Example: You have DocumentsCorePack configured for your production and sandbox environments. When you now perform a copy of your production environment to one of your sandboxes (e.g., UAT ) the settings key of the sandbox no longer points to the correct DocumentsCorePack service. As a result, you will no longer be able to generate documents in your sandbox.
This article outlines how to reset the link by enforcing the service as the only document-generating service for a specific Dynamics 365 environment.
IMPORTANT: Do not perform this action if you have Load-Balancing enabled.
Step-by-step description
Step 1: Open the DocumentsCorePack Service Configuration and locate the service you want to re-link.

Step 2: Click on the wrench symbol to open the Service Configuration and select Show Advanced Options.

Step 3: Check the ❶ Force this service to be the only document-generating service checkbox. This will update the setting inside the connected environment to point to this service. Don´t forget to ❷ Save the Service.

Step 3: Once the connection is fixed and there are unfinsihed documetns waiting, the Service will start creating documents (if there are pending jobs) as you can see with a click of the View Service Logs button.

Here you can see all of the jobs currently created.

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