With version 4.64 you have the possibility to set up for each service activity a specific color. GroupCalendar setup will create automatically a picklist attribute on the service activity entity which is used for this feature. To activate color-coding for service activities, you have to add this attribute to the main form of the entity. The attribute is named ptm_colorcode with the display name Color and is predefined with 12 colors.
1. Open CRM and go to Settings > Customization > Customize Entities
Figure 1: Open Customize Entities
2. Open the Service Activity entity, go to Forms and Views and open the main form
Figure 2: Open the main form
3. Click on the [Add Fields]-button and select the attribute ptm_colorcode and put it on the form where you like it.
Figure 3: Select your color code
4. Now simply save and publish your customization
You can now select on each service activity with which color it should be visible in GroupCalendar. All views are supported.
Figure 4: Set color
But there is even more. You can also specify your own personal colors.
If you want to specify your own colors, please follow the below instruction on how to add an additional color.
1. Open the ptm_colorcode attribute of the service activity entity. You’ll see that there are already 12 predefined colors.
The name of the color is only the display name and says nothing about the color itself. So it is very important to know the value of the color you will edit or add, because you have to specify your colors here.
In this example the color Peach with the value 1.
Figure 5: Add new color
2. Open the GroupCalendar settings (please have a look at the installation guide on page 16 to get familiar with the GroupCalendar settings)
3. There, you’ll find a setting named ServiceAppointmentColorCode with the value 1|#FFDAB9;2|#FFFF00;3|#FF8C00;4|#00FF00;5|#ADFF2F;6|#00FFFF;7|#87CEFA; 8|#6495ED;9|#778899;10|#A020F0;11|#FFB6C1;12|#FFE4E1.
Please note: Each color setting is separated by ;. And each picklist value and color is separated by |.
In the example above the color Peach has the picklist value 1. So you have to find this value in the setting and after the | sign the HTML color code is defined. In the default settings the color Peach has the picklist value 1 and the value 1 is in the settings assigned to the color #FFDAB9.
So if you want to change one of the predefined colors, you first have to change the name of the picklist attribut and remember the value. Then you have to find the value in the settings and replace the color after the | sign with the HTML code of your new color.
If you want to add an additional color, you have to create a new picklist option and remember the value of the newly created option. Then you have to add this new option to the settings. Separate the new color with ;, write the picklist value followed by the | separator. Then you have to write the new HTML color code in the format #FFFFFF.
Example: you want to add the color Fuchsia. First, create a new picklist option with the name Fuchsia and remember the auto-generated value (which should be 13 in this case). Then you have to append to the setting following ;13|FF00FF. After an IISRESET the colors will be applied to GroupCalendar
If you haven’t worked with GroupCalender yet, you have the possibility to download GroupCalendar here.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending and email to support@mscrm-addons.com.