SmartBar facilitates navigation between related Dynamics 365 records and with the latest features, it allows you easier handling of multiple views and smoother handling of count/color based buttons. For further information on how to add a range to color-coded buttons, have a look at this article.
Add Multiple Views button
It is possible to move the same entity button more than once to the ‘current on-site’-section in the SmartBar settings. This allows you to rename the button and to add a specific view to it. This makes it possible for you to, e.g. create an [Activities-ALL]-button next to an [Activities-Closed]-button.
To add a specific view to your button, you can simply edit an Entity Button (with a click on the [Gear icon]-button) and select a view from the Specific View-field, as highlighted on the below screenshot. This feature is available on both – metro and standard styling.
Figure 1: Add Multiple Views button
This example will result in a button that only counts and shows your Closed Activities.
Figure 2: The [Activities Closed]-button
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