To access the license overview, you will have to navigate to Dynamics 365 > Advanced Settings > MSCRM-ADDONS and select the product you need to assign licenses for.
How to activate a per User License in Dynamics 365 forDocumentsCorePack
The “Getting Started with DocumentsCorePack” page opens.Now navigate to the tab you want to activate the license for:
❶License Server: for DocumentsCorePack Server ❷License Client: for DocumentsCorePack Template Designer
❶License Server – DocumentsCorePack Server
Please manage the per User license for DocumentsCorePack Server via your service with the “view & install license”.
The following window opens
Click on the ❶Info/Messagebutton to enable specific users.In the window, which opens, select the ❷users, that should be licensed.
Don´t forget to ❸Applyyour changes.
As you can see, in our example where we only selected a single user, one in twelve users is enabled to use DocumentsCorePack.
After installing the new license, you can see a red bar that says Your user is not allowed to use this product. Your ❶access is denied. The reason for this is that the user running the license manager, who is typically an administrator, is not licensed at this time.
To proceed, click on the ❷Activate Users button to enable specific users.
In the window below, you can select the user/s, that should be licensed within Dynamics 365.
Don´t forget to Apply your changes.
After enabling the user, the user account will be updated and the red cross will disappear, indicating that the user has been enabled.As you can see in this example, there is one user enabled to use the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer and no further license is available (Depending on the package, you selected).
How to activate a per User License forTelephone Integration, ActivityTools, SmartBar and PowerSearch
Please note: The process for ActivityTools, SmartBar, PowerSearch and Telephone Integration is the same. In this article we use Telephone Integration as an example for a per user license.
Access the TelephoneIntegration overview in Dynamics 365 as described in Figure 1. After installing the new license, the access is denied. This is because the user, that is running the license manager (usually an admin) itself is not a licensed user at this point.
Click on the Activate Users button to enable users who should be allowed to use the TelephoneIntegration.
In the window below, you can select the users, that should be licensed within Dynamics 365. Don´t forget to Apply your changes!
After enabling users to use products, the red cross is gone, and the user account has changed due to the number of activated users. As you can see below, there is oneof ten users enabled to use TelephoneIntegration.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to