This article will handle how to configure DocumentsCorePack (DCP) to use AdobeSign with additional entities in Dynamics 365.
For custom entities, you must add a lookup field on the Adobe Sign entity, so please follow the Guideline of Adobe (Adding custom CRM entities to use Adobe Sign) to learn how to add custom CRM Entities to AdobeSign.
Here is a step by step description:
Step 1: Open the Advanced Settings in your Dynamics 365.
Step 2: Select Settings and then Products.
Figure 2: Settings Overview in Dynamics 365
Step 3: An “Active Products” overview is shown. Please choose AutoMerge.
Figure 3: Active Products
Step 4: An information overview with SettingsKeys is displayed. Please watch out for DCPAdobeRegardingEntitiesSettings.
If there is no such SettingsKey listed, please create one.
Figure 4: DCPAdobeRegardingEntitiesSettings-SettingsKey
Step 5: When there is such a Settingskey named DCPAdobeRegardingEntitiesSettings, click on it and check the value, which should be:
account|adobe_parentaccountid;contact|adobe_parentcontactid;contract|adobe_parentcontractid;invoice|adobe_parentinvoiceid;lead|adobe_parentleadid;opportunity|adobe_parentopportunityid;order|adobe_parentorderid;quote|adobe_parentquoteid;systemuser|adobe_parentuserid; salesorder|adobe_parentorderid
If your value doesn´t match the value above, please copy and paste the above value in your KeyValue of your SettingsKey.
Figure 5: DCPAdobeRegardingEntitiesSettings with value
Step 6: Now add the name of the entity and the created lookup field according to the syntax to the end of the list (don´t use square brackets). Save your changes with the [Save] button on the bottom.
Figure 7: Example EntityName and LookUpFieldName and [Save]-button
To load the new SettingsKey, please stop and start your DCP service.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to