The customization of Standard SmartBar buttons is said to be one of the easiest things that you can do with our addons.
First of all, open the SmartBar settings. To do so, simply navigate to My SmartBar and click on the [Gear icon]–button.
The first tab (the so called Buttons-tab) is the one which enables you to add and/or remove standard buttons.
In the left column, you can see a list of all available buttons, while in the right column, you see the buttons that are currently installed.
Figure 1: Buttons-tab
To add a button (here: Users) ❶ to the SmartBar, simply click on it in the Available Buttons-section. Next, click on the arrow that points from left to right ❷.
The button will be visible on site as soon as you save the configuration ❸.
To delete SmartBar buttons, simply highlight a button in the Currently On Site-section.
Next, click on the arrow that points from right to left and the button will be deleted.
Please note: Standard buttons still exist in the list if you remove they are removed from the current site. In contrary to what happens to custom buttons: if you delete them, they will be deleted permanently. However, do not forget to save your configuration!
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reworkneeded.. what is a standard button. explanation is missing.