This article explains how to create a custom QR Code with DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner. This example outlines the creation of a QR Code based on the Swiss QR Code design.
How to create a custom QR Code
1. First you need to insert a QR Code field. If you do not know how to insert a field, have a look at this article.
Figure 1: Insert QR Code field
2. The QR Code properties window opens and now you can enter the QR Code content.
❶ In this step you need to add some information to the QR code, such as the information someone would see after scanning the code. If you would like to add a logo to the QR code, it is recommended to use the error correction property.
❷ Error correction in a QR Code helps it remain scannable even if it is damaged up to 30%. You should choose at least level M or higher when adding a logo to your QR Code. This will preserve and enhance the scannability of a high number of rows and columns of data modules in your QR Code.
Continue with OK.
Please note:
- You have to enter a plus sign (+) between your entries, otherwise you will receive an error message.
- Fixed text must be typed manually into the text field and must be enclosed by single quotes ( ‘ ).
Learn more about the DCP Property Syntax here.
Figure 2: Enter Content to QR code
3. A QR Code will be created in the template.
Figure 3: Adding content to QR code
How to add a logo image
You first need to insert an image into your template to add a logo to your QR Code.
Please note: Here are the details and specifications that need to be followed for the logo image to work:
- Format – PNG
- Hight – 166 pixels (0,7 cm)
- Width – 166 pixels (0,7 cm)
You can find a guideline here to define the content of a QR Code that can be used to initiate SEPA credit transfer.
Place the logo image on top of the QR Code. Use the In Front of Text layout option to do this.
The QR code is now ready to be merged.
Save template
Before you can use or test your template, you must save it. You can either save your template locally with the standard Save or Save as functionality of Word, or you use the Save template option of the DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner to publish the template to Dynamics 365.
Merge and test template
As you make changes to your template, you may want to test them quickly. Here is a brief explanation of how to do this.
A result QR Code will look like the image below.
Figure 7: Successful result of a custon/design QR-Code
Now you can read your QR Code with any QR Code reader.
Figure 8: QR-Code result on your mobile device.
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