This article shows how to create a Dynamics CRM workflow which creates and sends a document for e-Signing using the Adobe Sign integration of DocumentsCorePack.
Open your Microsoft Dynamics 365, navigate to Settings and select Processes.
You are now on the surface below. Here you can generate a new process by clicking the [New]-button (highlighted).
You can create your process like you usually do in Dynamics 365. However, it is necessary to select Workflow as Category and proceed by clicking the [OK]-button.
After customizing the properties of your Workflow, click on the [Add Step]-button and choose “Create Record“, like you can see below.
❶ Next, open the drop-down menu of the Create field and select MSCRM- AutoMergeWorkingItems. You can also type a description of your step into the highlighted field.
Figure 5: MSCRM- AutoMergeWorkingItems
A click on the ❷ [Set Properties]-button will provide you with the window below.
❶ Type in the name of your step and select an AutoMergeAction, in this case Create Document.
❷ Next, you will have to define the PrimaryRecordUrl. You will first have to click into the field, which will be unfilled at first. Navigate to the “Form Assistant” on the right side and open the drop-down menu (below Look for) and select “Account“. Then open the drop-down menu below and select Record URL (Dynamic). Click on the [Add]-button and it will be added to the field below. You can also define a default value. Finally click the [OK]-button and your PrimaryRecordUrl will be automatically filled with the right URL, marked in yellow.
❸ Scroll down to the Sign document area and do the same as in step 2 to add the DocumentGUID. Select AdobeSign as Sign Provider.
❹ Then type in the Name and Email of the recipient.
Please note: You can add more than one recipient by using the vertical bar ( | ) between the Names and the Emails, for example Max Power|John Smith. It is important when your template provides more than one person to sign.
❺ This step starts the main signing workflow. “Save and Close” this window.
Finally, you must activate your workflow to use it, because this is just a draft, so, please click the [Activate]-button.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to