This blog article outlines how to customize the TelephoneIntegration Context Menu to create new activities and/or entities.
Requirements: TelephoneIntegration Client v.6.20 or higher
Examples: There are several CRM-functionalities available in the context menu of a phone call.
Per default, the following Activity Types are available as CRM standard:
Figure 1: Standard Activity type in the context menu of TI Client.
But you can expand the default by creating custom activities, like for example Create Lynch Chat and Create Campaign Response.
Figure 2: Custom entity types in the context menu of TI Client.
How to create custom activites and/or entities
To create a new custom activity and/or entity, you have to add a new Settingskey. To do so, please open your CRM and navigate to Settings.
Figure 3: Open settings
In the settings, double-click on TelephoneIntegration.
Figure 4: Select TelephoneIntegration
In the main navigation section at the top, click on the TelephoneIntegration drop-down and select the MSCRM-ADDONS.COM Settingskeys.
Figure 5: MSCRM-ADDONS.COM Settingskeys
In the next window, click on the [+ADD NEW Settingskey]-button.
Figure 6: [+ADD NEW Settingskey]
Next, type in following:
– Name*: customentities.xml (This is the key value Name)
– IsCached*: Yes
– KeyValue: see figure 7, 8 and 9
Figure 7: SettingsKey – General window
Figure 8: Key value – enlarged
Figure 9: Key value – explained
Custom Entities KeyValue:
In order to create custom entities, please use the following KeyValue. This example shows the KeyValues for Goal and Currency.
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reworkneeded … need graphic updates