It is possible to automate the creation of SharePoint folders and subfolders with DocumentsCorePack (DCP). This article shows how to setup automatic folder creation via classic Dynamics 365 on-premise workflows.
Step-by-Step description: Automatically generate folders for created accounts.
Step 1: Create a new Workflow for the Account table.
Step 2: Define the following settings.
- Process Name: CreateFolder
- Activate as: Process
- Entity: Account
- Category: Workflow
Step 3: This window opens. Add the next step Create Record to your workflow and name it (for example, Create Folder) and look for the AutoMergeWF:CreateSharePointFolder.
Step 4: Open the [Set Properties]. In the following window, define the SharePoint location, folder(s) and subfolder(s).
- “;” separate list of folders
- “/” creates subfolders
TEST/subfolder 1;TEST/subfolder 2;TEST1/subfolder 1
Creates folders as follows:
Step 8: Now you have to activate the process.
Then click the [Activate] button again to confirm the process.
Execute workflow:
Create a new account in your system. Once the workflow is finished you should see the following folder structure on the newly created document location for the account.
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