This blog article explains how to configure GroupCalendar to show additional activity-attributes within multiple rows in the GroupCalendar’s Gantt view. Each additional attribute of an activity will be shown in a new line.
You have the possibility to configure as many lines as you like, there is no limitation. For each line, you can define a display name and the associated attribute. This is globally configured in the general Group Calendar settings.
The flexibility is possible because an XML is used to create your additional attributes. There is only one setting necessary for all additional attributes.
The feature can be applied to GANTT-, Top Down-, Timeline- and Agenda View in the Day-, and Week view. It can also be applied to the GANTT-, Agenda- and Timeline view in the Month view. If you want to learn more about the views, have a look in this documentation.
Figure 1: GroupCalendar Gantt-view with AdditionalAttributes
First, you have to create a new AdditionalAttributes settingskey. This article will help you creating one. The values for this settingskey are:
Name: AdditionalAttributes
IsCached: Yes
KeyValue: This is where you have to enter the XML. In this example, the subject, location, and scheduled start is shown.
Figure 2: Settingskey for AdditionalAttributes in GroupCalendar
If you need more information on how to build a XML, have a look in this documentation.
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