Thanks to this feature of ActivityTools, you can easily embed the ActivityTools previews to your CRM dashboard.
Depending on your configuration, it is possible to show one or mutliple previews in one dashboard.
Figure 1: Dashboard with one preview (email-preview)
Figure 2: Dashboard with two previews (email-preview and account-preview)
How to embed the previews in CRM dashboards
After you have successfully installed ActivityTools, you can configure your dashboard.
Start in the Workplace-area in your CRM system and navigate to CRM Dashboards.
- If there are already some defined custom dashboards, select the custom dashboard you want to edit from the Dashboards dropdown-menu and click on the [Edit]-button in the CRM menu.
- If you would like to create a new custom dashboard, simply click on the [New]-button in the CRM menu.
Figure 3: Dashboards-area in CRM workplace
Next, enter a name for your dashboard in the dashboard-configuration-window.
Then doubleclick on the grid in which you want the preview to be shown.
In our example, we doubleclick on E-mail Messages. Then, the List of chart properties-window pops up. It has the attribute Name. Copy the value of the attribute Name into your Editor or anywhere you can save the name for later. Click on the [OK]-button to close the window.
Figure 4: Dashboard-configuration-window and list of chart properties-window
Now click on Web Resource in the CRM menu in order to add a new webresource.
The Add Web Resource-window appears. Within this window, click on the [LookUp]-button to search for a web resource. Then another window appears. Within this window, type ptm_dashboardpreview into the search field and look for it. As soon as you have a match, select it and click on the [OK]-button.
Figure 5: Add Web Resource-window and Look Up Record-window
Now enter a name and a label which you can select as dashboard-preview. In the Web Resource Properties-area of this window, insert the value of the gridname which you have copied previously. Once finished, hit the [OK]-button.
Figure 6: Add Web Resource-window
Now, the dashboard-preview has been added to the dashboard. To modify the height and witdh of the preview, click on the preview and use the scalingbuttons in the CRM menu on the top. Finally, click on the [Save and Close]-button to see the preview in your CRM Dashboards.
Figure 7: Dashboard-configuration-window
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to