To install DocumentsCorePack Client for MS CRM 2011/2013/2015/2016/D365 unattended, you must supply a registry file with the required registry settings.
Unattended install is available for DocumentsCorePack Client Version 5.18 and Version 6.5 or above.
Below, you can download templates to perform the unattended install.
The below files are set up for x86 _ x64 systems.
The templates contain inline documentation regarding the possible settings that can be set for the Client application.
The below described keys and place holder have to be replaced to have a valid registry file for the installation process.
Please note: The current examples are set up for http. If you are using https you also have to adjust the protocol in these files!
uai_ RegCRM2013_x86_x64.reg (8.90 kb)
uai_ RegCRM2011_x86_x64.reg (8.88 kb)
This is a blank registry file containing all required keys. You need to replace the following tags with your actual CRM data:
YOURCRMSERVER:PORT: The URL of the CRM server without any protocol information, example: crm:5555
UNIQUEORGANISATIONNAME: The unique name of the organization you want to connect to
These both keys also have to be applied to the
PROTOCOL: Either http or https.
ORGANISATIONFRIENDLYNAME: The display name of the organization. OrganisationFriendlyName contains the Organization name. While not vital, it should be changed to reflect the correct Organizsation name.
The path variable in the templates has to be adjusted as well depending on the achritecture of the client
(Program Files (x86) or Program Files)
If your discovery service is using Https (Usually its the same protocol as your CRM), the entry
HttpsDiscovery needs to be set to true.
You can then launch the setup with the prepared registry file similar to the batch file launch.bat (116.00 bytes)
“[DocumentsCorePackInstallFolderAndFile]” /V”/qb /lvx* C:\instlog.txt UAIREGFILE=[RegFileLocation]\[RegistryFileName].reg”
The tags DocumentsCorePackInstallFolderAndFile needs to point to the correct installation source folder and filename.
RegFileLocation needs to point to the folder of the prepared registry file. If you have changed the registry filename previously, you need to adapt this change in the command as well.
RegistryFileName: the filename has to be adjusted depending on the file you will use for the install process.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to