This blog article describes how to place InternetExplorer popup windows when using TelephoneIntegration.
TelephoneIntegration provides the possibility to automatically open CRM records and a new phone-call activity in separate InternetExplorer windows. Users can define the order and position of the CRM record-window and the phone-call-activity-window.
To do so, open the TelephoneIntegration (TI) setup with a right-click on the TI-icon located in the taskbar at the bottom of your desktop. Within the setup, select the Behavior-tab and go to the Internet Browser Popup Style-section. Here you have several positioning-options (left to right, up to down, overlapping) and order-options (show entity first, show phone call activity first). Select your favourite positioning- and order-option. Changes are adopted immediately with the next call.
Figure 1: Internet Browser Popup Style-section in the TelephoneIntegration setup
Figure 2: CRM record-window and phone-call-activity-window (left to right)
Figure 3: CRM record-window and phone-call-activity-window (up to down)
Figure 4: CRM record-window and phone-call-activity-window (overlapping)
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reworkneeded … Delete from Dyn365. Because noone uses IE today. Almost all want to use their default browser