Dynamics 365 allows the translation of certain properties & values to different languages (e.g. “choice columns“, also known as Multi-select picklists). This article describes how to define the language, values should be retrieved from Dynamics 365 into your documents.
Example: The base language of Dynamics 365 is German, and you need to send an invoice to an English customer. You want to make sure that the values loaded into your document are in English.
Please note: Column labels or choice-column list values can be translated, but general data/value of fields cannot. The prerequisite for a translation is that the language is installed in Dynamics.
How to set the language inside a template:
Open your TemplateDesigner and follow the steps below:
❶ Navigate to the “mscrm-addons.com” tab.
❷ Select “Insert MailMerge Fields”.
❸ Click on “Advanced Template Settings”.
Figure 1: Open Advanced Settings
The window in Figure 2 will appear. Follow the next steps:
❶ Select the “General” tab.
❷ Navigate to the “Template Specific Language” section and hit the drop-down. Select the language of your choice.
❸ Confirm by selecting “OK“.
Figure 2: Set Template Specific language
Changing the language setting: If you change this language setting, for the language changes to be applied, a ‘dummy’ change must be made after updating. This can be done by adding any field through the Relationship Designer. After the field has been added and the relationship has been updated, the language settings will be applied. The field can be removed afterwards.
Finally, save and test your template. If you are not sure how to test your template, please read this article.
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