No matter, if you install our solutions manually in Microsoft Dynamics CRM or if you install our solutions via AppSource, please follow the steps below to uninstall our products.
Please note: When you uninstall the solutions, all related data will be deleted. (e.g. DocumentsCorePack templates). For all on-premise versions of our products, the product itself must be uninstalled from the server before you can continue to deinstall the addon with the below steps. For further information, have a look at the documentation on our homepage.
Step-by-step instruction on how to uninstall our solutions
1) Open the CRM solutions.
(CRM > Settings > Solutions)
Figure 1: Solution overview
2) Look for the product you would like to uninstall (here: PowerSearch). Now all solutions connected to the addon you would like to delete are displayed.
Please note: This works for every product except for DocumentsCorePack, because the DCP solutions have different names.
You could as well look for the publisher (here: mscrm-addons). In this case, your search would bring up all solutions related to mscrm-addons.
Figure 2: List of example solutions connected to one addon
3) The solutions must be deleted in a certain order, which depends on the product you want to delete. Please find a list with all our products and the corresponding solution order below.
DocumentsCorePack (DCP)
If you have installed DCP via installer previously, please note:
Before you uninstall DocumentsCorePack, make sure that your current version is lower or higher than version 2015. 133 – 150. If not, please UPGRADE YOUR VERSION before you uninstall the solutions. Learn more about how to find your version number here.
1) AutoMergeGlobalButtonExtension (if present)
2) AutoMergeGlobalButton
3) DocumentsCorePackServerConfigAllEntities
4) AutoMergeServerOnPremiseSDKSteps (if present)
5) AutoMergeServerOnPremise (if present)
6) DocumentsCorePackServerJavaScript (if present)
7) AutoMergeServerCore
8) DocumentsCorePackServerCore
TelephoneIntegration (TI)
1) TelephoneIntegrationServerCreatePowerDialingList
2) TelephoneIntegrationUserState
4) TelephoneIntegrationServerConfig
5) TelephoneIntegrationServerCore
AttachmentExtractor (AE)
GroupCalendar (GC)
2) (if present)
ActivityTools (AT)
If you have installed AT via installer or manually previously, please note:
Before you uninstall AT, make sure that your current version is lower or higher than version 2015. 210 – 212. If not, please UPGRADE YOUR VERSION before you uninstall the solutions. Learn more about how to find your version number here.
If you have installed AT via AppSource previously, please note:
Before you uninstall AT, make sure that you use version 2016.3 or higher. If not, please UPGRADE YOUR VERSION before you uninstall the solutions. Learn more about how to find your version number here.
1) (if present)
PowerSearch (PS)
1) PowerSearchPluginGlobalButton (if present)
SmartBar (SB)
1) SmartBarServerDialogAllEntities
2) SmartBarServerConfig
3) SmartBarServerCore
You will notice that – no matter which addon you would like to uninstall – there is also the MSCRMADDONScomGeneral solution listed. Please note: Do NOT uninstall this solution as long as you have one of our addons installed.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to