If your DocumentsCorePack (DCP) license is invalid, it is recommended to check your license status and to react properly. This article outlines how to view the license state of your service and how to upgrade your DocumentsCorePack Online Service license.
A) How to view the license state of your DCP Online Service
1) Login to mscrm-addons.com or register if you haven’t yet.
Figure 1: Login to mscrm-addons.com
2) Once registered, click on the My Account button in the right upper corner.
Figure 2: Open your account
3) Now click on the My Cloud Service section to get an overview of your subscriptions.
Figure 3: My Cloud Services
4) You are redirected to the DocumentsCorePack Online Configuration. Select your service and click on the View and Install License button.
Figure 4: DCP Online Configuration
5) The license information window appears. A red cross always signalizes that a license is invalid. There are numerous reasons for an invalid license.
In this example, the reason why is that the user owns less site licenses than he actually needs. To overcome this issue, the user has to upgrade the license.
Figure 5: License information overview
In addition to having too few site licenses, a license could also be invalid because it is expired or having connection issues.
B) How to upgrade a DCP Online license
1) Please login to your account on our website and open the Account Overview. Next, click on the Modify package size button.
Figure 1: Modify your package
2) Now you are redirected to the UpgradeSubscription section. Please click on the Upgrade button in the right lower corner.
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