Within the TelephoneIntegration user interface, called balloon, it is possible to search for CRM-records (accounts, contacts, users, etc.) or for telephone numbers. The found records and telephone numbers are displayed within this balloon and users are able to perform outgoing calls immediately simply by clicking on the displayed record. There is no need to explicitly open CRM to start outgoing calls. The menu opened via a right-click on the displayed record offers the possibility to copy the telephone number or to open the record in CRM.
Figure 1: Search for CRM-records (contacts, users, etc.) using the integrated search of TelephoneIntegration, call the displayed record by clicking on it
Figure 2: Search for telephone numbers using the integrated search of TelephoneIntegration, call the displayed record by clicking on it
Figure 3: Menu opened via right-click on displayed record offers option to copy the telephone number or to open the record in CRM
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to support@mscrm-addons.com.
reworkneeded … need graphic update