This article outlines how to insert a picture in your DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner and save it as a note to a related record.
In order to follow this step-by-step description, an image must first be stored in the notes section of your Dynamics 365 record.
Step-by-step description: How to prepare your DocumentsCorePack Template
Step 1: Open a Word Document in your Dynamics 365 and navigate to ❶ Press the ❷ Insert MailMerge Fields button to open the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer. Go to the ❸ Additional tab and click on the ❹ Add Relationship/Entity/table button.
Figure 1: Add a relationsship/entity in the Additional tabStep 2: The ❶ Configure Fields and Datasource window is shown. Open the drop-down menu and select ❷ Account -> Note [objectId].
Please note: If you have saved your picture somewhere else, please use the corresponding term.
You will notice that the attributes corresponding to the previously selected relationship are now displayed in the ❸ Attributes section. Because we have created a note for our example, we check the checkbox next to ❹ Note. Depending on the location in which you have previously stored your picture, you could use any other display name. Click ❺ OK to proceed.
Step 3: The DocumentsCorePack Template Designer shows the created note.
Step 4: If you want to insert the note, select Insert Note as Picture Field in the drop-down menu of the Insert Field button. A placeholder will appear in the document.
Step 5: You will be asked how the table should appear. Just click OK to continue.
Step 6: When you insert a placeholder into your document and then merge it with your data in Dynamics 365, the intended picture will be displayed seamlessly.
Back to “How to use pictures and images with DocumentsCorePack“.
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