DataMapping is a specific feature of AdobeSign. With this feature, you can set an association between the field in Agreement and the attribute of the entity in CRM.
After signing a document, the values of the field of the CRM entity will be replaced with the predefined values of the user.
For example, this can help if you want to replace values of the fields Jobtitle and address1_city of contact entity.
First, create a Data Mapping Template entity in CRM.
Then, in your CRM environment, navigate to the Adobe Sign tab and then to Data Mapping.
Figure 1: Data Mapping
Then click the NEW Icon.
In the form, specify the new DataMapping name and select a target entity (in our case Contact).
Figure 3: New Data Mapping
After selecting the target entity, the form will expand with additional data. In the example we are interested in transfer data from an agreement to CRM, so we will fill out the corresponding section.
Figure 4: Data Mapping For Contact
The Agreement field is the field we will later insert into the agreement. This name can be random, for example JobtitleDataMappingField. Attribute is the corresponding attribute of the entity (in our case Job Title). Then check the option Override and click the Add button.

The record will be added.
Figure 6: Map Adobe Sign Agreement Data
Repeat the same for address1_city attribute. The Agreement field we name Address1CityDataMappingField.
Figure 7: Data Mapping for Address City
Figure 8: Agreement Field
Save the created Data Mapping Template.
Now we can create the DocumentsCorePack (DCP) template for a contact using our Data Mapping Template.
Open MS Word, create the DCP template (for additional information see How to create DCP templates) for the contact entity. In the necessary place, insert Agreement Field in the following format:
Job title: {{JobTitleDataMapping}}
City: {{Address1CityDataMappingField}}
Sample template:
Figure 9: Sample Template
Now we have to create the AdobeSign Data Mapping template in a DCP template. To do this, open the Advanced Template Settings on DCP Template Designer.

Figure 10: DocumentsCorePack Template Designer
Then press the button Electronic Signature in Advanced Settings.

Figure 11: Template Settings
In the opened eSign Settings, the user can set the following properties for AdobeSign:
- DataMapping (The Agreement Mapping Template entity has to be already created in CRM)
- Sign Oder – choose if the signee should sign the document in any order or in the order they are added to the agreement
- Signing Language – default language of the Agreement
In eSign Settings select the created DataMapping template.
Figure 12: eSign Settings
Then press the OK button to save changes.
Save the DCP template in CRM.
Open a Contact entity which has to used for signing.
Figure 13: Contact Entity
Current value for Job Title is Animator and for Address City is Denver.
Now click the button Create Document ❶ and then click Let me decide every step (available for users).
In the opened list choose the created DCP template ❷ and click the ❸ Next button.
Figure 14: Documents CorePack Dialog
Then check Attach document❶, choose As Adobe Sign email ❷ and select the recipient ❸.
Figure 15: Documents CorePack Dialog
Then at the end click on Finish.
Figure 16: Documents CorePack Dialog
Shortly afterwards, the recipient will receive an email with an invitation to sign the document.

Figure 17: Adobe Sign Invitation
After the recipient clicks the link, they can fill out the fields (in our case Job title and City) and sign the document.
Figure 18: Signed Document
After signing it is necessary to open the AdobeSign Agreement in order to change the status.
Before signing:
Figure 19: AdobeSign Agreement
After signing:
Figure 20: Changed AdobeSign Agreement
Then open the contact you are working with and make sure that the values of Job title and City fields have been replaced with the values from the signed Agreement.
Figure 21: Changed Contacts
Now the value for Job Title is Geologist and for Address City is South Park. The values have been successfully replaced.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to