One way that you can reduce the number of users with required licensing is by only counting users with specific security roles. This article outlines this method for counting licenses based on security roles.
This feature was designed in order to deal with the following common issue. All users with an assigned Dynamics 365 automatically become enabled users in every Dynamics 365 tenant, and thus will count towards the license, even though the users have no actual access to the tenant.
Once enabled, our licensing will count users only if they have at least one security role assigned, which is not the case for auto-assigned users from the Office 365 portal.
To activate this feature for our other Addons or OnPremise installations, you need to create a new settingsKey for AutoMerge called “CountUsersWithSecurityRolesOnly” with value “true”, as you can see in the figure below. More information about how to create settingsKeys can be found here.
Important for “CountUsersWithSecurityRolesOnly” option:
Every active Dynamics 365 user needs organization wide read permission on the following entities:
- User
- Team
- Security Role
This is required for non per-user-licenses for the following products:
- DocumentsCorePack Template Designer
- ActivityTools
- PowerSearch
- SmartBar
- AttachmentExtractor (if Advanced Email DragAndDrop control is used)
Back to “How to reduce License count“
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