In addition to the integration of DocumentsCorePack in Customer Journeys enabling customers to generate documents for individuals passing through a journey, there may be times when a journey should handle and process documents in batch documents, such as when creating documents for multiple contacts at a time. In these cases, a journey and its respective flow must be configured to account for this adjustment.
A new DocumentsCorePack action has been introduced to handle these situations: the “Process batch in customer journey” action. This article will cover how to use this action.
Note: For an overview on this action, please see here.
Creating the flow for our journey
In this example, we will create a flow for a customer journey that can handle batch document creation when multiple contacts are created. The flow will generate several welcome letters for our contacts and compile them into a batch document.
To begin, create a journey as shown here. When creating the Flow, add the „Process batch in customer journey (sync) (V4)“ action after the initial trigger.
In the parameters of this action, set ❶ Table to Contact. For the ❷ Row ID, set it to ❸ “ActionInputs msdynmkt_profileid”(this parameter holds the ID of the individual in the journey). Then, set the ❹ template to the template of your choosing, ❺ Journey to the journey you’ve created, and the ❻ file type to PDF.
If needed, the BatchDelay and BatchSize parameters can be configured under Advanced parameters. BatchDelay indicates the number of hours the flow will wait before generating a batch. BatchSize indicates the maximum number of records to be accumulated before generating a batch.
Note: When BatchDelay has been set and the BatchSize requirements have been met, the flow will still wait roughly 15 minutes before generating the batch document.
If the documents within the batch document should be sorted, the Sort Column can be used. In this instance, the “ActionInputs msdynmkt_name” parameter is used. This will sort the documents based on the name of the Contact.
To attach the document to a specific record, enter the record ID in the ❶ Attach To [Row ID] field. In this case, the ID is set to ❷ “ActionInputs msdynmkt_profileid.” The ❸ Attach To [Table] field must also be filled out when attaching the document to a record.
Once the flow has been configured, we will save it. By creating multiple contacts, the journey will be triggered and the batch document will be generated.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to