The Sample Data option is intended to simplify the creation of templates by showing field values while mapping data into your template.
Prerequisite: This feature requires v10.25 of the DocumentsCorePack Template Designer (Download here).

Sample data is shown directly within the DocumentsCorePack Taskbar behind the respective field name enclosed by square brackets (see Figure 1, limit: 256 characters). It is also shown within the tooltips of the nodes to support preview and better readability of long text values (see Figure 2, limit: 1024 characters).

To make the most out of this feature the best procedure would be to find a representative record in your Dynamics 365 environment and to set this record as sample data as described below:
How to configure Sample Data
To set a sample record you have to open the “Insert fields dialog” and open the treeview settings, by clicking on the cogwheel (❶).
The Sample Data section (❷) allows to define:
Record: The selected Sample record.
Highlight Color: The color which is used to highlight sample date within the treeview.
Link data limit (1:N, M:N): The maximum amount of preview records of related tables (entities)

To choose a representative record you either click on the magnifying glass (❶) to open the lookup dialog for the selection of a record (❷), or you directly start typing in the “Choose a value…” text part to enter the name of the record directly and hit enter.

As soon as you have applied your configuration with “OK“, the treeview will update and show the preview data highlighted with the configured color. Note: The preview is also available for related Lookup-records that appear at the bottom of the treeview (select [+] to expand).

Additional relationships tables (representing 1:N and M:N related records) most likely have several records available. For those, data is shown as a comma-separated list ending with “etc…” to indicate that there are several further line items with data.

Please note: Number, date, and other field types are displayed in the Dynamics 365 default format and culture of the user.
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