Sharepoint Documents Button Error – SmartBar
If you encounter an error, after -clicking- on the Documents Button inside SmartBar 2015/16 please follow this blog article.
SmartBar is per standard using the Client-based SharePoint integration view. If you instead use the Server-based integration on your CRM System, your click could result in one of the following errors:
Internet Explorer (frame error)
Figure 1: IE Frame error
Chrome (blank)
- Please Navigate to Settings -> Products -> SmartBar and create a new SettingsKey. Check this Blog Article if you don’t know how to create one.
- Fill in the following values and click on save:
Name: UseServerBasedSP
IsCached: Yes
KeyValue: true
Figure 3: New Settingskeys
After clicking on the SmartBar Documents Button now, you should see the correct view without any errors.
Figure 4: Correct view without errors
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