Template settings are additional capabilities that can be defined in your DocumentsCorePack templates. The purpose of most of the settings is to improve the automation of the document generation process.
The template settings window consists of a menu area and the actual settings area.
Below you can find a complete list of all available template settings with a short description. Some elements have a more detailed description attached as a link.
❶ Document Name and Subject: The document name allows you to specify a final filename for the generated document. Also, the subject can be set for further DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner based operations. Document Name and Subject.
❷ General: Find here the complete list of general settings.
❸ Create Activities For: This section is used to predefine settings for DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner based operations. It affects the Regarding and Recipient fields for Dynamics 365 activities created with the DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner.
❹ Document Protection: You can provide a password to your generated Word document. Also, for the DocumentsCorePack document generation, you can set a password for your PDF and enhance the security of your PDF.
❺ Sub Folder: Specifies the subfolder in which the generated document should be stored or created. Note: Our solution will create the folder if required.
Client Automation Settings
❻ Client Automation: Set certain options to improve the speed of work by setting default options for certain DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner based operations.
❼ Email(Create Activity): These settings are only intended for the DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner based operations. It only takes affect when the [Create Activity]-button of the TemplateDesigner is used and does not work with the Send as …-option.
Advanced Settings
❽ Additional Fields: This area contains fields that are not directly inserted into the template but are required in the merge process (hidden fields). You do not have to worry about the settings because all out of the box functionalities populate the necessary fields automatically.
❾ Sharepoint Metadata: If you are using the standard Dynamics 365 SharePoint integration you can define metadata fields and values in your template. As soon as the generated document is saved, also the metadata is populated to Dynamics 365. Sharepoint Metadata
❿ Dynamic Document Properties: Document properties, also known as metadata, are details about a file that describe or identify it. They include details such as title, author name, subject, and keywords that identify the document’s topic or contents. Dynamic Document Properties
⓫ Remove Watermark: This section is used to define a condition that will remove the watermark if met. Here is the Syntax.
⓬ Debugging: The Debugging tab can be helpful for troubleshooting because it shows all the fetches that are in the template.
⓭ Prompts: Configure user-prompts for this template, in order to allow the user to change the result during generation. Prompts enable the user to add or modify document elements without opening the document. The additional options for prompts are displayed in an additional window of the DocumentsCorePack dialog.
⓮ Section Configuration: Learn how setup editable sections in your template (Dynamics 365).
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