When you generate documents and attach them to an email in a workflow it is often necessary to send emails with different senders.
This requires specific privileges in Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE otherwise you will get the following error message:
User does not have send-as privilege.
at AutoMergeService.MergeService.sendEmail(IOrganizationService iservice, Entity queueItem)
at AutoMergeService.MergeService.ProcessDocuments(MergeService parent, Int32& pendingRecords)
The necessary privilege here is a personal setting, called “Allow other Microsoft Dynamics 365 users to send email on your behalf”.
If you need to set this setting for all or some of your users the easiest way is to use one of the tools of the XRMToolBox.
The tool called “User Settings Utility” gives you the possibility to set the setting (“Allow emails on my behalf”) for multiple or all users in your organization.