Maybe you make the experience that when a Flow is triggered very often in a short time with our DocumentsCorePack Connector, the error message 429 occurs. To counteract this, an “Exponential retry pattern” must be set.
Please note: The API Limits are a limitation from Microsoft.
Custom connectors (as our DocumentsCorePack Connector) are rate limited by Microsoft, so doing too many calls in a short time will cause the error message 429 between the PowerAutomate and the connector middleware.
As this is unfortunately beyond our control, we recommend using for huge loads the “Exponential retry pattern” offered by Flow. This will ensure, that the Flow does not retry several times within a very short period of time. As the load for a massive job will not lessen within the few seconds, the default retry pattern waits.
You will need to set the Retry Policy to Exponential Interval for this to work due to the limitations of request that Microsoft has imposed on all Connectors and not just the DocumentsCorePack Connector (Have a look at Retry Policy Exponential Interval Explanation). Setting this will allow the process to continue when it hits the limit after sending large jobs to Flow.
How to change the “Retry-Policy” in your Flow
Navigate to your DocumentsCorePack Connector in your Flow and hit the 3 dots. A selection window is shown. Select “Settings”.
Figure 1: DocumentsCorePack Connector – Selection window
This window opens. We recommend the following changes:
Type: Exponential Interval
Count: 20
Interval: PT10S
Minimum Interval: PT10S
Maximum Interval: PT40S
Figure 2: Settings for DCP Connector
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