“Do not use Dataprovider” is an additional setting in your DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner, where you can define if you want to use the DataProvider as an external program, or if Word should connect to Dynamics 365 directly.
This option is useful
- If you want to use our Template Designer in the Microsoft Word App (not the desktop version of Word which is the full featured version)
Prerequisites: DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner 10.27!
Here are instructions on how to check your version.
How to activate the „Do not use Dataprovider“–setting
Open the DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner and click on the “Documents Core Pack Settings” on the www.mscrm-addons.com ribbon.

Navigate to the “General”-tab and scroll down to the bottom to tick the new feature of DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner “Do not use Dataprovider”.

Please note: To make this change work you have to restart Microsoft Word and stop the Dataprovider. Therefore navigate to the Dataprovider symbol in the right bottom corner, make a right-click and select “Close”.

If you now open the DocumentsCorePack TemplateDesigner, the DataProvider no longer starts, but Word connects directly to your Dynamics 365.

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