A significant issue has been identified with our DocumentsCorePack Dialog when used in conjunction with the latest release of Google Chrome (Version 114 released on May 30th, 2023) and Microsoft Edge (Version 114, released on June 2nd, 2023). Both are currently being widely adopted.
When using the DocumentsCorePack Dialog, users are encountering a critical problem where they are unable to select a template or complete actions due to the Dialog only displaying “undefined“-labels, which subsequently prevents the completion of the document process.
Note: This issue is associated with Google Chrome Version 114 and Microsoft Edge Version 114. Users using e.g. Mozilla Firefox will not encounter this problem as of today.
Example Error:
How to troubleshoot?
To mitigate this issue promptly, a fix was implemented. We advise our customers to update DocumentsCorePack to the following versions:
- AutoMergeGlobalButton: 2020.220 or higher
- AutomergeServerCore: 2020.139 or higher
Customers using a DocumentsCorepack Online Service: Please refer to our guide on”How to update DocumentsCorePack solutions” for a detailed step-by-step description of how to update our solutions for your service.
Customers with local (On-Premise) deployments of DocumentsCorePack: You can Download and install DocumentsCorePack Server from the DocumentsCorePack Downloads area.
- for Dynamics 365 v9.x and higher: v2020.139
- for Dynamics 365 v.8.2.x: v2017.257
- For Dynamics CRM 2015/2016: v. 2015.209 / v2016.209
Known Issues:
- Missing Privilege in Custom security roles: Customers using custom security roles to control access to DocumentsCorePack might experience an issue indicating missing privileges. This s due to the fact that the upgrade comes with a new table called “mscrm-addons.com OneClickActions“. Please adjust your security role to grant access to this table to all users using DocumentsCorePack. (Details: Control access To DocumetnsCorePack via security roles)
Should you encounter any difficulties or have any further inquiries regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact our dedicated support team:
- Chat and “Create Ticket”: mscrm-addons.com Support
- Email support@mscrm-addons.com.