Every time a document is created in Microsoft Dynamics CRM, a corresponding temp is created by the system. This step consumes a lot of database storage. This article provides step by step instructions on how to
A) find the correct temporary data files and how to
B) create a workflow that purges the temporary data files automatically
A) How to find the correct temporary data files
Step 1: Click on the [Advanced find]-button in order to open the Advanced find.
Step 2: Open the Drop-Down-Menu next to the Look for:-field and select
MSCRM-ADDONS.com User/Temp Settings.
Click on the blue and underlined Select-fields in order to modify your search options equal to figure 2. Please notice that these are OR-criteria.
Please select the following criteria (combine with OR-statement):
Name Begins with AM_Doc
Name Begins with DCP API Concat
Name Equals DCPConcatenatedDocument
Name Equals SharePoint Doc converted
Name Equals SharePoint Template
Name Equals DCPSaveToSharePoint
Name Equals DCP API AttachToEmail
Value Begins With print:?id=
Value Begins With fetch:<fetch
Value Begins With <DSSetting
Step 3: Click on the [Results]-button in the Advanced Find-tab and…
Step 4: … be prepared to receive your results. Now you have two options. You can manage your temp data manually every day (which could be a little exhausting) or you create a workflow (which is explained below in part B)).
B) How to create a workflow that purges the temporary data files automatically
Step 1: Open the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Settings and click on Data Management in the extension.
Step 2: Please click on Bulk Record Deletion in the next window that opens.
Step 3: Click on the [New]-button in the left upper corner.
Step 4: The workflow wizard window opens. Click on the [Next]-button in order to proceed:
The wizard helps you to define your deletion criteria for your workflow. Open the Drop-Down-Menu next to the Look for-field and select
MSCRM-ADDONS.com User/Temp Settings.
Click on the blue and underlined Select-fields in order to modify your search options. Please select the same criteria you have selected in Step 2.
Please select the following criteria:
Name Begins with AM_Doc
Name Begins with DCP API Concat
Name Equals DCPConcatenatedDocument
Name Equals SharePoint Doc converted
Name Equals SharePoint Template
Name Equals DCPSaveToSharePoint
Name Equals DCP API AttachToEmail
Value Begins With print:?id=
Value Begins With fetch:<fetch
Value Begins With <DSSetting
Step 5: You can select your preferred scheduling and notification options in the next window. Decide when and how often the workflow should start, name it appropriately and set a notification (optional). Click on the [Next]-button in order to proceed.
Step 6: The next window provides you with an overview of your settings. If you agree, click on the [Submit]-button. Congratulations! You have just created a workflow!
If you want to change your settings, simply click on the [Back]– or the [Cancel]-button in order to cancel the workflow.
Figure 9: Finalize workflow
Step 7: To modify your created workflows, simply set the My Bulk Deletion System Jobs in the [VIEW:] and find all your workflows listed.
Clicking on NEW will create a new workflow.
Clicking on PRINT will print the list.
Clicking on EXPORT TO EXCEL will export the selected data to Excel.
And clicking on the MORE ACTIONS dropdown menu provides you – surprisingly – with more actions like those shown above. You can set a view as the default view, modify the recurrence and cancel, resume, postpone, or pause your workflow.
Additional: How to delete the MSCRM-ADDONS.com Debug records
Setup another Bulk Deletion Job, this time for the MSCRM-ADDONS.com Debug entity:
Additional: How to delete the MSCRM-ADDONS.com AutoMerge-Working-Items
Setup another Bulk Deletion Job, this time for the MSCRM-ADDONS.com AutoMergeWorkingItems entity:
Again, the wizard helps you to define your deletion criteria for your workflow. Open the Drop-Down-Menu next to the “Look for”-field and select MSCRM-ADDONS.com AutoMergeWorkingItems.
Setup the following parameters:
Status: Equals = Inactive
CreatedOn: Older Than X Days = 7
Set up the scheduling options again and submit your workflow, like you can see it below.
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to office@mscrm-addons.com.