The following article outlines, how TelephoneIntegration Client is installed unattended. This enables installing the CTI client via policy or automatic install scripts.
This procedure basically requires four steps. Please follow each of them carefully!
1) Download necessary files
- TelephoneIntegration client Versions 5.46 and above: available in the Download area on
- Batch/Reg-Files: attached to this article
2) Configure tiuai.reg- file:
This file contains the whole registry-setting of TelephoneIntegration Client.
Please note: you need to replace the placeholder values/dummy values of the registry file with your real values.
3) Modify the invoke_uai.bat – file:
- Path of the Telephone Integration-client installation package
- Path of the tiuaix(64/86).reg file
Please note: These paths must not include any kind of blanks in the values.
4) Run the batch-file:
Run the modified .bat file to start the installation routine.
Possible errors are logged in C:\instlog.txt, process information is written to your temp folder, and to the installation directory of Telephone Integration Client.
To uninstall, you may try the following command:
wmic product where “name = ‘Telephone Integration Client for MS CRM'” call uninstall /nointeractive
Please download this .zip file for your Dynamics 365:
That’s it! We appreciate your feedback! Please share your thoughts by sending an email to